Monday, December 31, 2012

Busy Getting Ready To Adopt

So when I started my blog I really thought that I would be better about using it.  Then life happens and I stopped blogging.  So now I am starting up again.  I have a few things I hope to post in the next few days or weeks.  The most exciting things that I have been working on have been things in our kids room.  No, you didn't miss a big announcement.  We aren't able to have kids and after a lot of praying, we have decided to be Foster Parents that hope to adopt.  There are so many options out there, but we feel like this is the best decision for us, for many reasons.
1.  We feel like we can help one or many children.  They may never remember that we were a part of their life, but we will know that we were able to be there for them.
2.  Since we have both been in education for a long time, we have been around many foster kids and we really have a heart for them.
3.  We feel that we can show God's love through adoption.  There are so many verses in the Bible that talk about how we as Christians are adopted by our Heavenly Father.  We really believe that we can show our love and God's love through adoption.
4.  During our prayers, Brian and I found this verse: For you are a people holy to the Lord your God.  The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.  (Deuteronomy 7:6)  That lovely verse really spoke to us and helped us know that we were on the right road.

So we have finished all of our classes, got our house ready, got a room together for a child and went through and passed our Home Study.  We are really looking forward to God's plans and hope that we are able to show his love through this process and that we will eventually get to adopt the child that God made for us.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I Love Mo Willems!

So, Mo Willems is one of my favorite authors.  He has also become one of my students favorite authors.  We love Elephant & Piggie, Pigeon and Knufflebunny!  Last week we made Cat in the Hat hats for our Dr. Seuss board and yesterday we created Pigeon for our Mo Willems board.  My kids had so much fun and were so proud of them.  We also wrote sentences about Elephant and Piggie and made a class book.  The kids are already talking about the next Mo Book that we will make.  We love Mo Willems!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pasta-The Healthier Way

I really love pasta, but it is not always the healthiest thing to make.  I found this recipe on Cooking Light for Linguine with Garlicky Breadcrumbs.  Some of the comments on it said that it did not have a lot of flavor, so I "tweaked" it a little bit and we really liked it.  I will be adding this to our rotation. 

Linguine with Garlicky Breadcrumbs
1/3 of Italian Breadcrumbs
Olive Oil
6-7 Garlic Cloves (depending on how much you like garlic)
8 ounces linguine
1/4 parsley (I used dried)
1-2 Tbsp Lemon Juice (depending on how much you like, I used a little more)
3 Tbsp grated Parmesan cheese

I started by cutting up the garlic cloves.  I then added them to some olive oil in the skillet and let it lightly brown.  I then added in the bread crumbs and a little more olive oil and let it brown some more.  Meanwhile I started cooking the linguine.  
Once all that was done I put the linguine in a big bowl added the garlic/breadcrumb mixture, parsley, Parmesan cheese, lemon juice, a little more olive oil and mixed it all together. 

Pretty simple and pretty good. :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Craft Closet

So my craft closet had become insane.  So I took everything out (SCARY) and started organizing!
I had this shelf in the garage, so I brought it in and it fit perfect in the closet.
I then started putting things in baskets and boxes and labeled them with my Cricut.
I put all of my Christmas stuff up on top since I don't use it all year.
I am super excited to have everything organized.  It makes me want to make things even more!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentine's Gift

So, I wanted to do something different and cute for my 22 kindergartners this year for Valentine's Day.  So what do I do?  Go to Pinterest of course.  Here is what I did:

I went to my amazing Cricut and cut out circles on cute Valentine Paper.  Just FYI...I LOVE MY CRICUT!!!!!

I went to the kitchen and started filling up my hearts with crayons.  It actually took quite a bit of crayons.  I had close to a gallon size bag of crayons to make 22 hearts.  A lot of peeling. :(  But since I teach Kindergarten there is always tons of broken crayons everywhere, so this was super cheap! ! :)

I then used foam tape to put them on the circles.  Super cute, cheap Valentine present that my kids will love.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Walk at Home

So I am trying to get healthy and lose some weight.  I am not a real big fan of working out, but I do love to walk.  When the weather is nice, I head outside.  But, most days I stick in a DVD and "Walk at Home."  Leslie Sansone's videos are great!  I am really enjoying them and noticing a change in me.  I have 6 of her videos right now and each one is great!  I really love that I can throw one in and do a quick mile before work and then do 2-4 miles after work.  It is working for me and I'm loving it!
Check it out:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

100th Day of Kindergarten was the 100th Day of School!  Great, fun, crazy day!  One of my favorite projects is the 100th Day Collection.  Students bring in 100 of any item.  They love finding something cool and I love that they are counting!!!!!  I then had them draw their items on the 100 Poster until we had 100 items.  Great day!

Monday, January 30, 2012

I Love Getting Healthy!

I know I am a nerd, but I am really enjoying getting healthy.  I have found a few things to be true:
1.  Counting and remembering calories has become so easy to do.  It is almost scary how I remember the calories to all sorts of things.  I think I am scaring my husband a little bit! :)
2.  Measuring food isn't as hard as I thought it would be.  When I started I would always think that a certain amount would never be enough.  Now I am realizing that measuring it out allows me to have a lot of the things I love, just in a healthier way.
3. I love walking and jogging again.  I have also figured out that getting a minimum of 10,000 steps a day is easy and really helps!
4. One cheat a week is awesome!!!  I look forward to having a meal that I really love, but don't even think about the calories!  It is also a great reward for doing good all week.
5.  Losing weight feels great!!!!!!  I have already lost 10 pounds this month by eating smart and healthy and walking or jogging. 
If you are trying to eat healthy and lose weight...I hope this encourages you!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

French Dip Crescent Rolls

Last night I was looking for something good, healthy and easy to make for dinner.  So I headed to Pinterest and found this great recipe from

What you need:
Crescent Rolls
Roast Beef (I went to the deli and used 1 pound)
Reduced Fat Provolone Cheese

I started by laying out the crescent rolls.
I then added a piece of roast beef and a half of a slice of provolone cheese.

I then rolled them up....
and put them on the pan.
I cooked them for 10-15 minutes at 375.

I then added some Special K Sour Cream and Onion Cracker Chips for a yummy dinner.

My crescent rolls ended up being 165 calories a piece. :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Love my Fitbit!

We all have favorite things in our everyday life...One of my favorite things is my Fitbit.  My sister-in-law gave everyone a Fitbit for Christmas.  I now love it and don't go anywhere without it!  I am working really hard to be Healthy and this helps me a lot.  I can see how many steps I am taking, the miles, the calories I am burning, how active I am and even how well I am sleeping.  You can even set goals and log your food from your computer or iPhone.  I am super competitive so I love trying to reach my goals each day.  I also like beating my husband! :)  Hopefully this will continue to help me in my quest to be healthy and lose some weight.  I will keep y'all posted!
Check it out:


Welcome to Who Knows Where Sara Goes!  I have so many interest and things I like to do, so here I am to share all that I do.  I will be posting all sorts of things: teaching stuff, recipes, things I'm making, things that I love and sometimes things that I am thinking.  I hope you all enjoy!